Friday, May 16, 2014

Simulating and calculating the E-field and B-field of coils to be used in gold nanoparticle RF research

Minh Anh Thi Nguyen
Class: BIOM 476
Colorado State University

Gold nanoparticles are a popular area of research with several medical applications. They can be engineered to target cancerous cells in procedures such as diagnosis and treatment, and at the same time can be designed to absorb specific wavelengths of light. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) are small particles composed of gold which have one-, two-, or three-dimensions on the nano-scale.  Gold nanoparticles' small size allows them to infiltrate almost anywhere, a characteristic that is perfect for cancer treatment but potentially harmful to healthy cells. This study was designed to look at how these particles are taken up by cancer cells. Heating of the cancer cells with a magnetic field weakens them making them much more disposed to successful treatment with chemotherapy. Computer programs, including the HFSS and the MAXWELL have been to plot the magnetic field and electric field strength for a parallel capacitor plate and three different types of coils: 1) A heat exchange solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a bottle; 2) a solenoid coil with a closed core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a bottle; 3) a sheet solenoid coil.  The simulation results were collected at the radio frequency 13.15 MHz and provided useful insights for understanding the process of heat transfer between the particle and the surrounding medium. The simulation results of magnetic field and electric field strength were plotted and compared with an actual field strength measurement.  The B-field measurements are very similar to results B-field simulations using the HFSS program.
Electric currents produce magnetic fields. The magnetic field has magnitude and direction. The direction is determined by the direction that a compass will point.  The magnitude is determined by the size and location of the electric currents that produce the magnetic field. The simplest way to create a uniform magnetic field is to run a current through a solenoid, which is a coil of wire designed to create a strong magnetic field inside the coil.  For a solenoid of N turns and length L, carrying a current I; the number of turns/length is n = N/L [1]. By wrapping the same wire many times around a cylinder, the magnetic field due to the wires can become quite strong. The number of turns N refers to the number of loops the solenoid has. More loops will have a stronger magnetic field. The formula for the field inside the solenoid is 

In addition, if a solenoid has many turns, the magnetic flux density “B” within the coil is nearly uniform, while the magnetic field outside is close to zero; similar to that of a bar magnet [7]. The B-field within the coil can be calculated from Ampere’s Law.  More turns means larger coils, lower self-resonance and higher copper loss.  As a result, solenoids have an enormous number of practical applications.

A capacitor is an electronic component capable of storing electric charge. The simplest capacitor is the parallel plate capacitor; it consists of two identical conducting plates.  These plates are placed parallel to each other and separated by a distance d, each plate with area A. Space between the plates is filled with air or any insulating material (dielectric).  One plate is connected to positive terminal and other is connected to negative terminal of power supply. When applied voltage to plates, electrons to flow out of one and into the other, giving them a positive and a negative net charge. The closer the plates are to each other, the greater the charges because the positively charged plate uses an attractive force to hold the negative charge in place. The amount of charge on one plate is dependent on the voltage applied between the plates.  Charges are always on the inside surfaces; the outside surfaces remain un-charged. When the plate separation distance is smaller than the plate dimension, the electric field (E-field) inside the capacitor is approximately constant, edge effects can be neglected. The electric field is only accurate in the central area of the capacitor because electric field lines begin to curve as you approach to the edges. The formula for calculating electric field in the central of the capacitor is

In medical applications, nanotechnology is among the most popular areas of research into new detection methods that should bring cheaper, faster and less painful and harmful diagnoses and treatments. However, for diagnostic testing and cancer treatment, gold nanoparticles are a popular choice for medical research.  Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) are small particles composed of gold which have one-, two-, or three-dimensions on the nano-scale.  Gold nanoparticles' small size allows them to infiltrate almost anywhere, a characteristic that is perfect for cancer treatment but potentially harmful to healthy cells.  Gold nanoparticles also have physical properties such as optical, electronic, and molecular-recognition characteristics, as well as biocompatibility, which make them useful across a range of applications.   Gold nanoparticles can be engineered to target cancerous cells in procedures such as diagnosis and treatment, and at the same time can be designed to absorb specific wavelengths of light. Gold nanoparticles were designed to help tissue heating by the radio waves.  Heating of the cancer cells with a magnetic field weakens them making them much more disposed to successful treatment with chemotherapy. [3, 5, 6,8]
Remarkably it appears that gold nanoparticles heated by exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields could help destroy pancreatic tumors.  The aim of this study is to understand the physical processes or experimental pathways for the observed heating characteristics of these particles at specified radio frequencies (13.56 MHz).  The study of the physical basis of gold nanoparticle heating will involve examining the capacitive RF heating properties of gold nanoparticles with respect to their volume fraction and diameter. The analysis plans contained herein provide critical insights into how the physical properties of gold nanoparticles influence their RF thermal delivery, which will aid in the further development of nano-scale materials for the treatment of cancer.  In a biological medium, NPs may interact with bio-molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and even biological metabolites due to their nano-size and large surface-to-mass ratio.  Published information shows that nanoparticles currently have been applied in diagnostics, imaging, and therapeutics in biology and medicine [5, 6].
This report presents results for designing and simulating the E-field and the H-field for a parallel capacitor plate and three different types of coils: 1) a heat exchange solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a bottle: 2) a solenoid coil with a closed core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a bottle: 3) a sheet solenoid coil.  These simulation results were collected at the radio frequency 13.15 MHz, and provided useful insights for understanding the process of heat transfer between the particle and the surrounding medium.  All simulation data will be collected to prove that the simulations work. If the experiments and tests in the lab are not successful, then the test data will help us investigate and understand the root cause of the failures

Modeling and simulating of coils

Since submitting my proposal, I have spent most of my time designing, simulating, calculating and plotting the E-field, H-field and B-field for three different types of coils and one parallel capacitor plate.  The first step was to define the materials which would be used to simulate the coils.  Materials are very important in this project, because different material will give completely different results for E-field and H-field measurements.  The next step was to use MathCAD software to calculate the inner and outer radius of the glass bottle or test tube, the inner and outer radius of the coil, and the length of the coil.  This calculation must be correct; otherwise it is very difficult to design the coil on the HFSS 15 software.
-         For the solenoid coil with open core in inside the Cu coil and with a slot for the glass bottle, I used the MATHCAD tool to calculate all the necessary values that I needed to design the heat transfer solenoid coil.  Once I completed all the set up environment to start the HFSS 15 program. I created a new project and successfully drew a solenoid coil with all the values that I had calculated previously and assigned each element with a correct material. Once the design was completed, I ran the simulation to validate my design and fixed the few error messages that I found during my simulation. I plotted and calculated the E-field and the H-field of solenoid coil with open core in inside the Cu coil, after my design passed validation.  The simulation results of the E-field and the H-field of this coil are shown in Figure 1 through figure 4.
-         I repeated the same process described above to complete the simulation for the solenoid coil with a close core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a glass bottle.   The simulation results of the E-field and the H-field values of this coil are shown in Figures 5 through 6.
-         I applied the same procedure to complete the simulation for the sheet coil with a slot for a glass bottle inside the coil and a parallel capacitor plate.   The simulation results of the E-field and the B-field of the sheet coil are shown in Figures 7 through 9.  The simulation results of the E-field and the B-field of the parallel capacitor plate are shown in Figures 10 through 11.

Measuring of coils

We used a magnetic field probe to measure the magnitude and direction of the heat transfer solenoid coil’s magnetic field within the lab; we kept the probes away from other magnetic sources like magnets, the computer monitor, and speakers. Holding the probe and rotating it horizontally and vertically will change the reading as it changes its alignment with the B-field.  The results of the B-field analysis that we got from the measurements are very similar to the results of B-field measurements that I got from the simulation using the HFSS program.
It was important to work closely with Dr. George Collins and Chris Collins on this project, because I do not know the all materials and geometries which are used to create coils, nor other factors such as the capacitor plates and bottles, and the temperature of the water which flows through the coil.  Also, I had no previous experience in measuring electric fields and magnetic fields (E-field and B-field) from heat exchange coils

Figure 1: Plotting and calculating result of E-field for the heat exchange solenoid coil (a solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil and with a slot for a bottle) using the HFSS program.

Figure 2: Plotting and calculating result of H-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil using the HFSS program.


Figure 3: Plotting and calculating result of E-field outside the glass bottle or outside of the solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil using the HFSS program.
Figure 4: Plotting and calculating result of H-field outside the glass bottle or outside of the solenoid coil with an open core inside the Cu coil using the HFSS program.

Figure 5: Plotting and calculating result of E-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the solenoid coil with a closed core inside the Cu coil using the HFSS program.

Figure 6: Plotting and calculating result of H-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the solenoid coil with a closed core inside the Cu coil using the HFSS program.

Figure 7: Plotting and calculating result of B-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the sheet coil with length 15 cm using the MAXWELL program.
Figure 8: Plotting and calculating result of B-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the sheet coil with length 45 cm using the MAXWELL program.

Figure 9: Plotting and calculating result of E-field inside the glass bottle or inside of the sheet coil with length 45 cm using the MAXWELL program.


Figure 10: Plotting and calculating result of E-field of the air parallel capacitor plate using the HFSS program

Figure 11: Plotting and calculating result of B-field of the air parallel capacitor plate using the HFSS program


            A magnetic field is produced by applying a current and high radio frequency in a copper wire wound to form solenoids; coils of several closely-space loops were simulated and studied in this research.   The magnetic field simulation results of solenoid coils are correct; when there is no current, there is no magnetic field because there is no current to carry a number of free positive charges through ten rings.  When there is a current, charges will spin in a counterclockwise direction.  Once the charges on the ring start to accelerate, a magnetic field develops in the space between the rings.  The magnetic field created by each turn of the solenoid adds up cumulatively, giving a stronger magnetic field inside the solenoid than outside it (as shown in figures 2, 4 and 6), because the current in each circular turn of the solenoid flows in the same direction.  The strength of magnetic field created by a current carrying solenoid is: 1) directly proportional to the number of turns in the solenoid: 2) directly proportional to the strength of current in the solenoid; and 3) dependent on the nature of "core material" used in making the solenoid.

According to the Faraday’s law of induction, as the magnetic flux through exclusively 10 rings grows, there is an electric field created by the time-changing magnetic field.  The electric field flows in an opposite to the direction of the currents which are trying to spin the rings.   If there is charge, then work must be occurring to spin the charges. This is the source of the energy which develops in the magnetic field between the rings. 

There is air in the coil, magnetic field can be calculated by using this formula B = μ0H, where μ0 is the permeability of free space. In my simulation, the permeability of free space value is 1 H/m.

The B-field of the parallel capacitor plate was calculated by applying Ampere’s Law formula, The integral is equal to zero because no current passes through the plate. The magnetic fields are created by the current and time varying electric fields, therefore the magnetic fields of the parallel capacitor is also zero. As shown in figure 11, the results of model for the B-field of the parallel plate capacitor that I got from the simulation using the HFSS program are very similar to the B-field values that I got from the Ampere’s Law calculation. As the capacitor charges, an electric field develops between the two plates; this charge can be calculated by using the formula,where Ɛ is the relative dielectric constant. In my simulation Ɛ is replaced with Ɛ0 because it represents air or vacuum.

Figure 14 shows some of the coil configurations that were made in our lab. All the coils are hands -twisted and made from copper wire materials. All length dimensions are in mms and they have are identically measurements and structures, which were used in the simulations, via the HFSS and MAXWELL programs.

Computer programs are designed in HFSS and MAXWELL to plot the magnetic field and electric field strength for different types of coils and a parallel capacitor plate. The calculated results of magnetic field and electric field strengths are plotted and compared with actual measurements.  The results of the B-field analyses that we got from the measurements are very similar to the B-field values that I got from the simulation using the HFSS program. The magnetic field and Electric field of solenoid coils are important in many scientific applications and other particle accelerators. 
Problems & Solutions
Time Constraints
Time was an issue in getting all the different tasks completed in this project, especially since the total time given for completing the class 476A (2 credits course) is 77 hours.     The minimum amount of time required just for running a simulation and debugging error messages for three coils and one parallel capacitor plate would be more than 50 hours.  

Project software

In order to complete my tasks on schedule, I have to resolve five major issues:

-         The first issue that I encountered on February18, 2014 was unable to draw a helix model in 3D using the HFSS program.  To resolve this problem, I contacted the ENS helpdesk to explain a problem and get help in resolving the issue of being unable to draw a helix model in 3D using the HFSS program.  I submitted a help ticket so that the ENS team can fix the problem.  The total time that I spent to resolve this issue is 2 hours.
-         The second issue that I encountered lab time.  The simulation to calculate the E-field and the H-field have required more than 8 hours to complete, but there is no computer which is dedicated for this simulation.  I have to kill my simulations every time a computer is needed for other engineering lab classes. This problem had waste so many hours of my time.
-         The third issue occurred because CSU did not update the HFSS software and HFSS license in all the engineering lab rooms.  I got this error message “"U:\Documents\Ansoft is not a valid directory because it is a read only" when I tried to open the program or any of the project files. I tried and was unable to resolve the error message.  I contacted the ENS help desk office to explain the error messages that I received during spring break weekend (3/23/2014).  I submitted a ticket to request help so that ENS‘s team could investigate the problem. This problem caused 3 hours of my time to resolve.
-         The fourth issue was disk space as shown in figure 12. On March 24, 2014, I spent 2 hours to work with ENS’s team to resolve another error message that I received during my simulation.  This time, the error message occurred due to a disk space issue.  To resolve this problem temporarily, I had to delete all the files in the U-drive and I did not save my all simulation results for E-field and H-field models. 1GB is the total amount of disk space in the U-drive which the school provided to each engineering student.
-         The last issue was B-field option is not available in the HFSS software (Figure 13). To resolve this issue, I contacted the ENS help desk office to explain the problem and show them that the B-field option is not available in the HFSS software. I submitted a ticket to request help so ENS’s team can investigate the problem. The problem is solved; B-field values can calculated and plotted by using the MAXWELL program

Figure 12: The error message which occurred due to a disk space issue

Figure 13: Evidence which shows that the B-field option is not available in the HFSS software
Future works:
There are many ways to measure steady magnetic fields.  The common method uses a Hall Effect probe to sense the magnetic field, which is not experiment or perform in this study.  The Hall Effect is ideal as a magnetic sensor because of the linearity between Hall voltage and magnetic field at the side of the probe.

MATLAB is another program which can be used to simulate the B-field, H-field and E-field.  This program is not used to calculate and plot B-field, H-field and E-field in this research; therefore, it is a good suggestion for future work.  The simulation results from the MATLAB can be compared with the results of the B-field analyses that we got from the actual measurements and the simulation using the HFSS program.

Researchers will not see the full and complete picture if they can only analyze their particles using one frequency value 13.15 MHz, a very common frequency range capability for induction heaters. Using a wider range of frequencies allows coils and particles respond at different frequencies and field strengths.  Therefore, different ranges of frequency could be measure and simulate using the HFSS in the future.

A small coil may pose some problems. The magnetic field will vary, as for all coils, in the radial and axial directions. A larger coil has a larger region of homogenous field strength than a smaller diameter coil. Insulating the sample from the coil in a small coil may be difficult. A large coil provides space to insert sample insulation (expanded polystyrene etc.) to insulate the sample from the surroundings (coil and air). Eliminating the polystyrene insulation could introduce heating in the sample from the coil or the surrounding environment [8, 9]. Therefore, different size of the coil could be measure and simulate using the HFSS in the future.
Magnetic and electric fields have been used in a variety of clinical applications which include brain mapping, and treatment of chronic pain. These field gradients are generated by coils of wire, usually placed on cylindrical surfaces, although as will see other geometries can be active [9, 8]. Engineers and designers continue to find new ways to utilize physics to perform outstanding research and development that breaks new ground in their fields.
For example, 1) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used for imaging the inside of the human body and is based on the use of well-defined and controlled magnetic fields: A strong uniform static main field, capable of polarizing the samples. Both the solenoids and the Radio Frequency coils are used in MRI. Solenoids are used to create a magnetic field with strength between 0.2 -1.5T, and when MRI uses a magnetic field stronger than that range, the image will have a higher resolution.  Radio Frequency coils are used for transmitting energy and receiving signals [9, 10, 11].    2) Cardiac pacemakers for the treatment of conduction and arrhythmia disorders of the heart. Magnetic and electric fields stimulator makes currents in the tissue to achieve magnetic stimulators consume high power and cause significant heat dissipation in the coil [9].

1.      Lina, A. Fadhil J.. "The Magnetic Field Study of a Finite Solenoid." Circuits and Systems (): 316-322. Print.
2.      "Designing a helical-coil heat exchanger." . N.p., n.d. Web. . <>.
3.      Haq, Am Mujibul. "Use of Gold Nanoparticles in Diagnostics, Surgery and Medicine: A Review." Bangladesh Journal of Medical Biochemistry: n. pag. Print.
4.      Ansoft HFSS Fundamentals-Maxwell3D
5.      Jacobson, Joseph M.. "Remote electronic control of DNA hybridization through inductive coupling to an attached metal nanocrystal antenna." Nature: 152-155. Print.
6.      Ackerson, Christopher J.. "Superatom Paramagnetism Enables Gold Nanocluster Heating in Applied Radiofrequency Fields." ACS Nano: 2610-2616. Print.
7.      "." . N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2014. <>.
8.      Ivkov, Robert. "Method to reduce non-specific tissue heating of small animals in solenoid coils." International Journal of Hyperthermia: 106-120. Print.
9.      Gale, John T.. "Microscopic magnetic stimulation of neural tissue." Nature Communications : 921. Print.
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11.  Zapolskis, P.. "Compact microsecond pulsed magnetic field generator for application in bioelectronics." Electronics and electrical engineering: n. pag. Print.

Figure 14: Various hand wound coils or inductors fabricated in the Lab


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